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Light Language Transmission and Activation: "Perfect Cell Detox, Growth and Regeneration".


This Light Language transmission was channeled with the intention to help you:


  • Clear any toxic energy trapped in your cells coming from medicines, heavy metals, foods and beverages, cosmetic products, thoughts, emotions, viral, bacterial energy, or any other microbial energy.


  • Restore every component of every cell in your body at DNA level, bringing Life Force energy back to it using Crystalline healing energy.


  • Bring rejuvenation to your skin, to your body.


  • Activate hormones that promote growth and regeneration of different tissues in your body so healing can take place.


This transmission contains activation and healing codes coming from crystals, Andromedan Beings of Light and the Arcturians.


Everything in this Universe is vibrating. Every cell in your body is also vibrating with a frequency. In the presence of the right vibration and the right frequency, you, your body and every cell has the power to heal itself.


After listening to this transmission and activation daily, my chronic headaches have disappeared and a digestive issue I had has also been healed. My skin glows, it seems I am getting younger (no joke!). It can be used in unlimited ways using different intentions. Anything is possible!


If you are an energy healer, you can also activate this Light Language transmission for your clients and see amazing results happen!


Please set the intention before listening to this activation:


  • What would you like to heal in your body, how would you like to feel in this moment?
  • What would you like to let go of your body and your cells?
  • What would you like to regenerate?


After purchasing this transmission, you will receive an email containing a PDF file to be downloaded, which contains the link to the following audios:


  • Audio 1: About Light Language
  • Audio 2: BONUS - Grounding and Expanding your Energy Field
  • Audio 3: Transmission - Perfect Cell Detox, Growth and Regeneration


IMPORTANT: Please note that my healing work does not substitute your medical care. If you have any health issues, always contact your health care professional and do all possible medical examinations. 


Remember: you are a Divine Being of Light! Anything that is not aligned to who you truly are should be released and sent back to Source, so you can shine your Light and attract what you most wish in your life!


Sending infinite blessings!



Client Love


Judie, USA

"The remote energy transmission was something I have never experienced. I have found a peacefulness that has not been mine to enjoy for over 25 years."



"Since I started working with you, so many magical things are happening and I’m awaking to spiritual gifts and meeting spirit animals and guides! Unbelievable!!! I’m feeling blessed!"


Cristina, Portugal

"I don´t know what you say, but when you start speaking in this language that looks like from another planet, I felt as if a ray had entered my body electrifying every single cell; they all vibrated. And it touched my heart."

Perfect Cell Detox, Growth and Regeneration - Light Language Transmission

20,00 €Price
  • This Light Language transmission was channeled with the intention to help you:

    • Clear any toxic energy trapped in your cells coming from medicines, heavy metals, foods and beverages, cosmetic products, thoughts, emotions, viral, bacterial energy, or any other microbial energy.
    • Restore every component of every cell in your body at DNA level, bringing Life Force energy back to it using Crystalline healing energy.
    • Bring rejuvenation to your skin, to your body.
    • Activate hormones that promote growth and regeneration of different tissues in your body so healing can take place.
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