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Awaken to 5D Abundance: Elevate Your Spirit and Transform Your Life

Program with 3 Mentoring and Energy Healing & Activation Sessions 


  • Session 1: Transcending Survival Mode - pre-recorded (took place on 26 June)

  • Session 2: Healing Self-Image and Building Self-Worth - pre-recorded (took place on 22 July)

  • Session 3: Connecting with the 5D Abundant Self - pre-recorded (took place on 21 August)


Price for all 3 sessions: 133€ (instead of 166€) 

Price for each separate session: €55.55 


📌 IMPORTANT: Upon completing your purchase, you will promptly receive a LINK to a downloadable PDF document containing comprehensive information about the product and the LINK to all audios in your "Thank you" email!


Welcome to your journey of transformation and spiritual elevation!


“Awaken to 5D Abundance” is an exclusive program of 3 mentoring and energy healing and activation sessions, created to help you disconnect from the limited consciousness of the 3rd dimension and open yourself to a new reality of abundance, spiritual growth and true purpose.


Session 1: Transcending Survival Mode – Pre-recorded - it happened on June 26, but you can still purchase it and receive the healing and the activations


In this first session, we will deeply explore the blocks that keep you stuck in the 3rd dimension. You will understand how survival mode and the role of the ego influence your life and block your spiritual growth. Mentoring will guide you in identifying these patterns and provide you with practical tools to begin transcending these limitations.


🔑 Detailed information about session 1 can be found here >>>


Session 2: Healing Self-Image and Self-Worth – Pre-recorded - it happened on July 22, but you can still purchase it and receive the healing and the activations


The second session focuses on healing your self-image and self-worth. You will learn to transform the way you see yourself, freeing yourself from limiting beliefs and emotional blocks. Through energetic activations, you will align your mind and spirit with a higher vision of yourself, facilitating your path to 5D. 


🔑 Detailed information about session 2 can be found here >>>


Session 3: Connecting with the 5D Abundant Self – pre-recorded - it happened on 21 August, but you can still purchase it and receive the healing and the activations.


In the final session, we will work on deep connection with your 5th dimensional Abundant Self. You will receive powerful energetic activations to align you with the frequency of abundance and true purpose. This session will consolidate all learning and transformations, preparing you to live in full alignment with your spiritual essence.


🔑 Detailed information about session 3 can be found here >>>


Who is this product for?


  • People who wish to raise their consciousness and overcome the limitations of the 3rd dimension.

  • For those who feel trapped in patterns of struggle, sacrifice and scarcity.

  • Individuals who wish to improve their self-image and self-worth, freeing themselves from limiting beliefs.

  • Those who want to align with 5th dimensional abundance and purpose.

  • Anyone looking for a life aligned with spiritual essence and a true purpose.

  • People ready for deep healing, aligning mind, body and spirit with universal abundance.

  • Those committed to their personal and spiritual growth.

🌀Program Benefits🌀

  • Free yourself from Survival Mode: Discover how to overcome the limiting patterns of the 3rd dimension.

  • Spiritual Growth: Align with your true essence and purpose.

  • Radical Abundance: Open yourself to a new reality of infinite possibilities.


What's included?


In addition to the 3 main sessions, you will receive:


  • 1 live online Q&A session planned for 4 September 2024.

  • Light Language Transmission: A healing tool aimed specifically at helping you align with the radical abundance of the fifth dimension.

  • Clearing of Offensive Energies: complete clearing of negative energies, such as curses, low vibrational spirits and other forms of energetic interference, ensuring a safe and secure healing environment.

  • Exclusive Community Access: Join our WhatsApp community for continuous assistance in your personal development and healing journey (available from June to September 2024 only)


📌 Please note that with the exception of the Q&A session, these sessions were 100% remote without the physical or online presence of participants. After purchasing the product you will receive an email with more information and access to a WhatsApp community (open only until September 2024)


Begin your journey of transformation towards the fifth dimension. Join us now!


With Love

Andréa Luizari & Marta Cunha


What people are saying about this Program


Hello everyone! 😊 I’d like to share my experience. I don’t usually feel strong sensations, and perhaps that’s why I don’t speak up much. Before this session, I had repeatedly listened to the mentoring and the scarcity healing session. Now, after the "Transcending Survival Mode" session, I have to say that I’ve been feeling much lighter, freer, and happier for quite some time! I’m also much more mindful of what I think and say. I refrain from speaking negatively about myself or complaining. I’m aware that I am co-creating my reality and try to view things as positively as I can. I feel at peace with life and believe I will go much further. 😀 Thank you, Andrea and Marta, for helping me so much in my healing process. Kisses 😘

-----  Raquel, Portugal


"I would like to share my experience with you since the session Transcending Survival Mode. I am a therapist and before I participated in the session, I had few clients. After the session, things started to flow, clients started to show up, money started to come in, and I started to feel motivated again. In addition, I co-created the participation in Dr. Bradley's event in Lisbon and I am very happy. I have been listening to Andréa's light language every day and I can only thank her. Thank you both!

--------- Manuela, Portugal"


Awaken to 5D Abundance - Elevate Your Spirit and Transform Your Life

166,00 € Regular Price
133,00 €Sale Price
  • Program with 3 Mentoring and Energy Healing & Activation Sessions 


    • Session 1: Transcending Survival Mode (pre-recorded)

    • Session 2: Healing Self-Image and building Self-Worth (pre-recorded)

    • Session 3: Connecting with the 5D Abundant Self (pre-recorded)

    Price for all 3 sessions: 133€ (instead of 166€)

    Price for each separate session: €55.55 

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