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Awaken to 5D Abundance: Connecting with the 5D Abundant Self


📌 This session happened on 21 August and is the third of 3 sessions that are part of the program "Awaken to 5D Abundance: Elevate Your Spirit and Transform Your Life". If you would like to purchase the 3-session pack with a 20% discount, and have access to a live Q&A session, click here >>>


Even if you haven´t participated in this group session, you can still receive the audios and receive the healing and activations - healing happens outside time and space!


📌 IMPORTANT: Upon completing your purchase, you will promptly receive a LINK to a downloadable PDF document containing comprehensive information about the product and the LINK to all audios in your "Thank you" email!


This group session was channeled for those who feel trapped in patterns of scarcity, lack of worthiness or separation from the Creator or Higher Self and want to free themselves from these patterns connected to the third dimension.


Connecting with your 5D Abundant Self is a powerful and transformative experience that goes beyond the everyday world we know. 


The 5D abundant self lives in the fifth dimension, a state of consciousness where everything is connected and abundance flows naturally. This part of you is full of love, wisdom and creativity. This part of you feels supported, connected to a greater Power, which is only Love, Faith and Light. It shines with a brilliant light, often seen as beautiful patterns like those in sacred geometry.


Although the 5D self is always within you, various blockages can make it difficult to fully connect with that state. These blockages often appear as trapped energies in your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.


To connect with your abundant 5D self, you need to embark on a journey of self-awareness and energetic alignment. And this is exactly what we will do during the next group session on August 21st.


Who is this product for?


  • For those who feel trapped in patterns of scarcity, unworthiness or separation and want to free themselves from these patterns and their limiting beliefs.

  • Those who cannot have faith in a greater power or Divine Source.

  • Individuals who carry unresolved emotional trauma or repressed feelings from past experiences, including childhood wounds or family trauma.

  • People who experience imbalances and blockages in their chakra and energy meridian system.

  • Those who feel disconnected from their higher self or divine source and want to deepen their spiritual connection.

  • Anyone looking to manifest more abundance in their life, whether in terms of wealth, relationships, health or general well-being.

  • Individuals seeking mental clarity, emotional balance, and inner peace through spiritual practices and holistic healing.


🌀Benefits 🌀


  • Elevated Energy Flow: Clearing blockages in your energy pathways (meridians) and balancing your chakras to promote better energy flow throughout your body, which can result in greater vitality and overall well-being.

  • Healing emotional and mental trauma and increasing emotional resilience: release of emotional and mental energy that will help you process and integrate past traumas, leading to emotional and mental healing and a sense of inner peace, increasing your resilience and emotional stability.

  • Deepened spiritual connection: We will help you connect with your higher self and Divine Source so you can deepen your spiritual awareness and sense of purpose.

  • Alignment with Higher Frequencies: We will help you raise your vibration and align you with the higher frequencies of the 5D abundant self.

  • Manifesting Abundance: By aligning with your 5D abundant self, you can attract and manifest more abundance in various areas of your life, such as finances, relationships, health, and personal growth.


What’s included?✨ 

You will receive several audios, where you will find:

  • Specialized Mentoring: by two therapists with several years of experience in the process of inner healing, abundance and elevation of consciousness.

  • Energetic Activation: we will use activations with Sacred Geometry, in addition to a unique technique that will work with the atomic particles of your Eternal and Infinite Divine Being, to change programming based on separation and lack of Faith with the Divine Source.

  • Transmission of the Language of Light: A healing tool aimed specifically at helping you heal the wound of separation from the 5D Self and Divine Source. This transmission will work with your atomic particles and the Sacred geometry of the Flower of Life.

  • Clearing of offensive Energies: Complete clearing of offensive energies such as curses, low vibrational spirits and other forms of energetic interference, ensuring a safe and secure healing environment.

  • Exclusive Community Access: Join our WhatsApp community where you will have access to shares offering continuous support in your personal development and healing process. Please note that the community will be open only until September 2024.

  • LIVE Q&A session planned for 4 September 2024.


With love,

Andréa Luizari & Marta Cunha

🌿 Disclaimer 🌿

It is important to understand that we are facilitators of the healing process and that, ultimately, the responsibility for the results obtained lies solely with the client. Results may differ from person to person and cannot be guaranteed. 

Furthermore, although our energy healing can bring transformative benefits, it should not replace professional counseling or psychological treatment. Instead, it should be complemented with conventional approaches, supporting your overall well-being in a holistic way.

These group sessions are aimed at individuals in good mental health. If you have mental health problems, we strongly recommend that you consult your doctor.


What they are saying about this Program


I just wanted to say thank you because these sessions means more than you know to me. I was feeling stuck with my soul purpose and capacity of generating abundance (also because I believe I am in "the void" phase of my spiritual awakening, so everything is linked to that too) and after a week of listening I got one more client in who booked me for 1 entire month and I feel again positive and renewed. So Obrigada, truly, for your service. Eleonora


Awaken to 5D Abundance: Connecting with the 5D Abundant Self

55,55 €Price
  • Awaken to 5D Abundance: Connecting with the 5D Abundant Self
    Mentoring and Energy Clearing & Activation

    This group session session is the third of 3 sessions that are part of the program "Awaken to 5D Abundance: Elevate Your Spirit and Transform Your Life". If you would like to purchase the 3-session pack with a 20% discount, and have access to a live Q&A session, click here >

    What is included in this session?

    • Specialized Mentoring

    • Energy Clearing and Activation

    • Light Language Transmission

    • Exclusive WhatsApp Community Access (available only from June to September 2024)

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