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The Vivaxis is basically an energy field we all have that connects us to the Earth. It’s like a subtle energy cord, kind of like an energetic umbilical cord, and it forms right before we’re born. This connection links us to our natural place of birth and creates a relationship between our energy field and the Earth’s.


This idea was first observed by Frances Nixon, and she found that the Vivaxis has receptors that can spin either clockwise or counterclockwise, depending on whether we’re pulling in or releasing energy. However, disturbances like earthquakes, sunspots, or other environmental factors can mess with this spin, which can block our energy flow, especially in the lower chakras. This can affect how we feel physically and emotionally, making it harder to shift or heal certain areas of our lives.


If the Vivaxis is anchored in an unhealthy environment like a polluted area, swamp, or a geographic site full of the fall-out of cultural atrocities or a place with a traumatic history, it can disrupt your energy. It can also get tricky if someone’s Vivaxis is tied to a parent’s energy or a traumatic event from this or a past life. In these cases, it might act like a drain on their life energy.


👉 If you have an issue that has been challenging for a long time, then it is time to uncover the Vivaxis. 


In this completely remote energy healing session, I will scan your Vivaxis, clear it and help you place it in a healthy place. You can choose where to place it and you will receive the recording of your session so you can also do this clearing and activation yourself.


You will also receive a personalized Light Language activation included in the audio.


This session is done remotely only without your presence. 


Sending infinite blessings 🤍




Andréa Luizari


"Andrea is such a passionate, kind and gifted healer. Her energy is so beautiful and I am very grateful for her services. She has impacted my life in a wonderful way and has brought profound peace and healing to my soul." Sonia, USA


"Pure being of light. Her smile is contagious, her work magical. Wonderful sensations that help me follow my path. The knowledge, tranquility and naturalness with which he approaches all topics are a tool for growth." Sofia, Portugal


"Andrea came in divine timing as it works, “when the student is ready the teacher will appear”. Our work is ongoing and it’s been a vital part of my evolution in this incarnation to release bonds of the past in there various shapes and forms in order to be on my highest timeline,in order to be my highest self. This type of work is not easy but it’s reassuring when guided by a kind soul like Andrea. Very grateful to her and her gifts as a healer. Henri 💎"— Henri, South Africa

Alignment of your Energetic Umbilical Cord - the Vivaxis

144,00 €Price
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