How my Life has changed since the Emotion Code - I was interviewed by Rachel Garrett
Updated: Jan 3
Hey loves!
I had the pleasure to be interviewed by Rachel Garrett, RN in her Spiritual Spotlight Series. Rachel introduces listeners to spiritual practitioners of all types to help pull back the veil.
Each week the listener is introduced to a different spiritual practitioner in an array of modalities, including psychics, energy healers, life coaches, spiritual thought leaders and more!
In this interview, which is far from being "quiet", and you know how expansive I can be , we spoke about:
How I left a very safe and long career in clinical research and discovered the Emotion Code, Energy Medicine as my Soul work.
How Light Language got activated and how it can be used to heal emotional wounds, activate your talents and gifts.
How anyone can learn to release trapped energies from their body and bring balance back to their lives.
The 2 main practices I use daily to align my energy and set the intention for the day.
Offensive energies and how they can influence our emotions, thoughts, behavior, and physical health.
Tools I use together with intuitive healing and Light Language.
How your Soul work is so unique and can attract clients that will benefit from your frequencies.
How manifestation actually works!
Have fun, loves!
In Love and Service
Andréa Luizari
Join my monthly Group Healing Sessions using Light Language here: GROUP HEALING SESSIONS & ACTIVATIONS

Andréa Luizari is an intuitive Energy Medicine Practitioner, Channel for Light Language and Soul Coach.
Andréa Luizari Ferreira is a former Veterinarian and has over 10 years of experience in human clinical trials and pharmacovigilance in several therapeutic areas, including Oncology and Dermatology. Andréa holds a Masters Degree in Pharmacovigilance from the University of Hertfordshire in Hatfield, UK (Herts). Following a series of transformative events in her life—among them severe humiliation at work and burnout—Andréa’s Soul guided her toward the path of Energy Healing. She became a certified Emotion Code & Body Code Practitioner by Dr. Bradley Nelson in 2019. Andréa naturally activated Light Language, works with Archangel Metatron, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, the Arcturians, Sirians, and the Andromedans to help you transmute and clear imbalances from all dimensions of your Energetic Body. Andréa lives happily with her husband in the beautiful countryside of Portugal and supports people from all over the world go through their Ascension and Healing journey with Love and Grace. She can help you Align your Energy to your true Divine Nature, become a Vibrational Match to what you deeply desire, and Consciously Manifest!