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From Hurt to Healed: Transforming Rejection into Empowerment

Updated: Jan 3

The wound of rejection and how it conditions our lives

Going through a rejection experience is something very painful for any of us. No one likes to face the pain of being rejected from a job, ending a relationship, or being left out in social situations.

What few are aware of is that the emotional wound caused by rejection experiences can persist and have disastrous effects on our relationships and our well-being.

In this article we'll explore the emotional wound of rejection and how to heal it.

Rejection is one of the most common emotional wounds. When we are rejected, we feel unwanted and unloved, and this can lead to depression, anxiety and low self-esteem. We often internalize rejection as a personal failure and assume that we are not worthy of love or acceptance.

In my own experience as a person who has been rejected so many times in the past, especially in romantic relationships, by family members and at work, this can lead to a downward spiral of negative self-talk and feelings of inadequacy.

When the wound of rejection is activated, we start to interpret rejection as proof that we are insufficient, useless and worthless people. Our personal failures are seen as a cruel judgment on our worth as a person.

Each time we experience rejection, we experience greater degrees of suffering, including emotional pain, anger, and sadness. Some may even become aggressive because they feel they need to defend themselves, or they may enter a pattern of social isolation to avoid further suffering.

A person with a rejection wound is easily distressed and angry as soon as he perceives a possible rejection and, therefore, he feels the need to be appreciated by everyone and can enter into a constant effort to try to please, not respecting his personal limits.

The fear of being rejected makes her make an emotional effort to create secure connections and this effort can bring counterproductive results.

Experiences that create the emotional wound of rejection

The emotional wound of rejection can be triggered by a variety of situations and they can have different levels of intensity, that is, there are people who are more sensitive to rejection than others. The intensity of the wound depends on the number of rejection experiences that the person has lived, what is the connection with the people involved in these experiences, the quality of emotional resilience that they had at the moment and the support that the person had to deal with each experience of rejection.

Usually, experiences of rejection during childhood, especially in the first 7 years of life, create deeper wounds. Even when rejection experiences seem to be subtle, the child is not mature enough to understand why he is being rejected and quickly begins to believe that he has something wrong. These experiences normally occur when the parent does not have the ability to nurture the child with what he or she needs to grow up with healthy self-esteem, such as attention, love, affection and security.

We are not talking about apparently traumatic experiences, the problem is that the child's emotional resilience is non-existent in the first years of life and their parents are the first people with whom they need to create a secure bond to become a secure adult. When these bonds were not properly created, this child will have a lot of difficulty being a confident and secure adult and this will be reflected in any relationship.

Impact on the creation of romantic relationships and their duration

We usually project our emotional wounds onto other people, namely our partner, which ends up generating an outcome we don't want.

The emotional wound of rejection causes a dread of being abandoned or rejected, which can lead to irrational jealousy and interpreting behaviors, such as a partner preoccupied with work, as proof that the other person is no longer in love.

Even when there is no rejection present, consciously or unconsciously, the person expects rejection to happen at any moment and begins to look for “evidence” that validates his expectation. Her ability to observe reality is highly compromised by the rejection she feels and she begins to interpret certain behaviors of her partner as suspicious. This can bring disastrous results to love relationships because there is no trust.

Those who fear rejection find themselves in a constant struggle to establish intimate romantic relationships because their efforts are often directed toward avoiding conflict and rejection rather than establishing intimacy and growth.

Other people with a rejection wound may manifest overprotective behavior in romantic relationships, avoiding all situations and relationships in which they might be rejected. They may avoid commitment, sticking only to fleeting relationships, or end relationships whenever they start to get more serious. As a result, they can feel extremely isolated and lonely - which essentially leads to realizing their greatest fears.

The physical effects of rejection

Rejection not only causes emotional pain, but research shows it can also have physical effects on the body. The stress caused by rejection can trigger the release of stress hormones, which, over time, can damage the immune system and contribute to chronic illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

People who have experienced rejection may also experience insomnia, fatigue, headaches and body aches. These physical symptoms can exacerbate emotional pain, leading to a vicious cycle of physical and emotional damage.

How to heal the emotional wound of rejection?

While rejection is painful, it is not insuperable. There are steps you can take to heal the emotional wound of rejection.

1. Acknowledge your emotions and feelings

The first step to healing rejection is to acknowledge what you are feeling. It's okay to be sad, angry, or hurt. We are all humans and we came to this planet to experience contrast and come to peace with them. Allow yourself to feel those emotions, but don't let them define you. Remember that these emotions are transient and will eventually pass.

2. Don't take experiences too personally.

It's important to understand that rejection is not a reflection of your worth as a person. Other people's opinions or decisions do not define you. Instead of internalizing rejection as a personal failure, look at it as an opportunity for growth and learning if we approach it with a positive mindset and seek to heal our wounds.

3. Seek Support

Seek support from friends, family, or a therapist. Talking about feelings can help you process them and move forward with a renewed sense of purpose and self-worth.

4. Practice self-care

During times of emotional pain, it's especially important to practice self-care. Take care of your food, your sleep and exercise regularly. Cultivate a supportive and positive environment that nourishes your soul. This can include spending time with loved ones who uplift you, engaging in hobbies and activities that bring you joy, and creating a self-care routine that supports your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

5. Reframe your thoughts

Rejection can lead to negative self-talk and feelings of inadequacy. Reframe your thoughts by focusing on your strengths and achievements. Practice positive self-talk and remember that rejection is not a reflection of your worth.

6. Do energy healing work

Based on my personal experience of someone who was rejected by partners, family members and at work, the fastest way to heal the emotional wound of rejection, or any other emotional wound, is through energy healing work and speaking about your wound to someone or a health care professional.

So many trauma energies were cleared from my field in the last years, what helped me navigate my emotions with more acceptance and compasssion. In my work, I use Light Language to help you release what doesn´t serve you anymore and activate higher frequencies in your field, such as trust, joy, acceptance, compassion.

Finally, it's essential to remember that healing from the wound of rejection is a process that takes time and patience. Be gentle and compassionate with yourself, and don't hesitate to seek professional help if needed. A therapist, counselor, or energy healer can assist you in navigating your emotions and guiding you towards a path of healing and growth.

Spiritual Coaching & Light Language Activation: Healing the wound of Rejection and Activating unconditional Self-Love and Self-Acceptance

If you want to cultivate more self-love and compassion in your life, this coaching and Light Language activation can help you release the pain of rejection and move forward with acceptance and grace. You can learn more about this healing package HERE.


Andréa Luizari is an intuitive Energy Medicine Practitioner, Channel for Light Language and Spiritual Coach.

Andréa Luizari Ferreira is a former Veterinarian and has over 10 years of experience in human clinical trials and pharmacovigilance in several therapeutic areas, including Oncology and Dermatology.

Andréa holds a Masters Degree in Pharmacovigilance from the University of Hertfordshire in Hatfield, UK (Herts). ​

Following a series of transformative events in her life—among them severe humiliation at work and burnout—Andréa’s Soul guided her toward the path of Energy Healing. She became a certified Emotion Code & Body Code Practitioner by Dr. Bradley Nelson in 2019.

Andréa naturally activated Light Language, works with Archangel Metatron, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, the Arcturians, Sirians, and the Andromedans to help you transmute and clear imbalances from all dimensions of your Energetic Body. ​

Andréa lives happily with her husband in the beautiful countryside of Portugal and supports people from all over the world go through their Ascension and Healing journey with Love and Grace.

She can help you Align your Energy to your true Divine Nature, become a Vibrational Match to what you deeply desire, and Consciously Manifest!


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