Energy Healing
We are beings of Light and Sound. Our Essence is pure, perfect and made of Energy.
As Divine Multidimensional Beings, we decided to incarnate on planet Earth to have the most amazing physical experience. We came here to bring the spiritual and physical realms together and embody this pure Cosmic Energy into the physical and live the most extraordinary life.

Everything is made
of energy
However, we also came to this planet to experience contrast situations, the duality, so we could learn different lessons and use our free will to choose a balanced state of Love and Grace.
We are here to experience and feel all level of emotions, "negative" and "positive" ones. It doesn´t mean that some are good and others are bad. They are just emotions, frequencies we create, inherit or absorb from someone else. They get polarized by our perception, the way we look at them. It is ok to feel sad, it is ok to feel fear, it is ok to feel doubt. But after feeling and honoring these emotions, we have the free will to choose to feel different, to go back to balance.
The problem is when we don´t choose to feel different and don´t accept emotions or situations that happened in our lives. Because these experiences will affect our energy field, which in turn, will create our next experience!
Dr. Valerie Virginia Hunt, Ed.D was a scientist, author, and former professor of Physiological Science at the University of California, Los Angeles. Dr. Valerie, using Kirlian or electrophotography, showed that a person´s biofield (energy field in and around the body), moved into different patterns and frequencies in response to the individual´s thoughts and actions.
If someone ate vibrant, whole food, his field was large and robust; if someone ate junk food, the field became undetectable. From approximately 600 hours of recording under many circumstances, she and her team discovered that each person has a unique, predictable and recurring field characterized by such measures as color, the quantity of the energy, the dominance of particular body areas and the completeness of the spectrum pattern. According to her, problems in the body actually start in the energy field.

And what imbalances
our energy Field?
When we experience life situations that we don´t know how to deal with or resist to, we put aside, ignore the unresolved thoughts and emotions, instead of processing them. Eventually, as more and more unprocessed life and traumatic situations accumulate, that dense energy builds up and blocks the flow of energy in our system, which gets dispersed.
That dispersed energy will affect energy channels, energy centers and fields or dimensions of the Light Body, which leads us to identify ourselves less and less with our true nature, and makes us believe that something is broken, wrong with us and needs to be fixed.
However, we can do something about it and choose a state of Love, because Love accepts and embraces all emotions in the spectrum of our human experience and allows us to shift our health, our relationship, our financial situation, our life.

Emotions make life colorful. They are just pure, vibrating energy! No emotion is good or bad, as it is only our perception that polarizes them. We live in a dualistic Universe and we will always experience upsides and downsides! There is no way of escaping the balance of the Universe.
When we experience traumatic events and perceive emotions such as fear, anger, or resentment as bad or negative, our body and our mind might not be able to process and accept them. These emotions might then get trapped in our body, which may cause malfunction and discomfort.
According to Dr. Bradley Nelson, trapped emotions can affect you mentally and physically, since they are low vibration energy that keep vibrating in the body´s tissues and organs. They can cause inflammation, pain, self-sabotage and many other problems. They are balls of energy that distort the energy field, leading to imbalances in the body.