I´m Andréa
Light Language Channel

I am a Healer, Channel, Ascension guide and StarSeed! I found my Freedom when I discovered that everything I always searched for, was already inside of me. At that moment, I fell in love with myself and I discovered my Divine Soul work.
My mission in this lifetime is to help you align your Energy to who you truly are, to your Divine Essence by releasing the energy of trauma, fear, self-sabotage, suffering in body and spirit, because I´ve been there and I know how it feels. I am here to help you unleash the Power and Beauty that is already inside of you and create a balanced Life filled with Freedom, Love, Wellness, and Prosperity.
Because you are Beautiful, Divine and Whole, and it is time that you remember that!
My journey
From a very young age, I always wanted to see and learn more about the world. I dreamed of travelling abroad, visiting new countries, meeting new cultures, learning new languages. My parents couldn´t afford any travel outside of Brazil at that time, so I said to myself that as soon as graduated from University, I would find a way to do that.

And I did it. After graduating in Veterinary Medicine and working a couple of years as a veterinarian for small animals, I decided to explore the world. I used all my savings to buy part of a plane ticket to Florida, United States, the rest was paid with the credit card of my loving aunt Suileni, from whom I borrowed the money. I packed my clothes, said goodbye to my family with a big smile on my face and flew to Weston, Florida with only a 100-dollar bill in my pocket. I will never forget that moment and I will be forever thankful to my parents, who always supported my dreams.
I met the most amazing families in Florida while I stayed there as an aupair.
I was taking care of beautiful children, supporting them, and becoming a member of their families. I travelled everywhere, and saw beauty wherever I went.
But I didn´t stop there, and after spending a couple of months back in Brazil, I set my journey forth to Europe and landed in London. From there, I moved to Germany and developed there a successful career in clinical research and pharmacovigilance. Science and healing became part of my life again, but there was something missing, there was something that I still needed to find. I knew that I hadn´t been in touch with my Soul mission and purpose yet.
Do we all have a Purpose and Mission in this Life? Believe me, we do! We are Divine Spiritual Beings that decided to incarnate on planet Earth to have the most amazing physical experience! We came here to bring the spiritual and physical realms together and embody this pure Cosmic Energy into the physical and live the most extraordinary life!
However, our journey on school planet Earth also involved contrast situations designed to teach us some lessons. Lessons that would show us our way back home, our way back to Love and Union with the Creator, in this physical dimension.
Like probably you and most inhabitants of this planet, I also experienced trauma, going from challenging relationships, to depression, anxiety, overweight and others.

After experiencing a burn-out while working in clinical research, going from one panic attack to the other, my Soul screamed, and I decided to listen to her. End of 2018, I stopped everything, quit my job, quit my 6-figure salary, moved to Portugal with my husband and trusted God and the Universe.
It was through a deep process of Coaching, that I was finally able to re-connect to my Soul and receive divine and aligned guidance. I wanted to be Free, to be myself at all times, to work from anywhere in the world and help beautiful souls achieve emotional, physical, mental and spiritual balance, so they could also create Freedom and Harmony in their lives.
I became a certified Associate Coach by the ISPC - International School of Professional Coaching in Porto and developed my coaching skills towards Soul and Spiritual Coaching. Mentors and teachers such as Joe Dispenza, Tony Robbins, Eckhart Tolle, Cyndi Dale have completely changed the way I saw things, situations, and the world!
I´ve learned and still learn non-stop Energy Medicine with the most amazing energy healers, such as Dr. Bradley Nelson, Cyndi Dale, Dr. Sue Morter, Barbara Brennan, and others.
I became a certified Emotion Code™ and Body Code® practitioner by Dr. Bradley Nelson, I activated Light Language naturally and work with several galactic Light Beings to help you transmute and clear imbalances from all dimensions of your Energetic Body.
I became Free to do the work that brings the most possible Joy I could ever imagine, that allows me to work from anywhere in the world, that allows me to be who I really am!
And here I am to help you fall in love with yourself again, using the most beautiful and sacred tools from a place of Love, Grace and Compassion.